A Complete Guide for Parents on children's Sleep and Relaxation


  • The original Floppy Sleep Game CD & 7 additional tracks
  • A 4-week program for kids who refuse to snooze
  • Bedtime activities, rituals & relaxation techniques
  • Tips for relieving stress & anxiety
  • Foods & supplements that promote sleep.
  • Information on sleep disorders
  • Tips for relieving stress & anxiety
  • Health problems & neurobiological disorders that affect sleep

You can learn more about the book and order it via our website by clicking here.

Or you can order through Amazon.com by clicking here.

Patti Teel is the fairy godmother of peaceful bedtimes.

Dubbed “The Dream Maker” by
People Magazine
and “The Sleep Lady”by
The Wall Street Journal

Patti Teel is the creator of a highly acclaimed audio series that teaches children a fail-proof way to relax themselves to sleep through relaxation exercises (based in yoga), visualizations, music & storytelling.  And now her new book for parents, The Floppy Sleep Game, picks up where the recordings left off.  It contains a step-by-step program for parents to follow and teach their children to relax and/or fall asleep.  The techniques from The Floppy Sleep Game book also help children cope with fear and anxiety in a healthy way. 

She is holding Dream Academy workshops at schools, hospitals, and libraries across the country where parents and children learn the playful relaxation techniques from her book and widely acclaimed children’s audio series. Children at the Dream Academy workshops practice the three R’s by resting their bodies, relaxing their minds, and refreshing their spirits.


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October, 2006

Dear Parents,

Beware of Halloween Horror Movies!

Children love the fantasy and fun of dressing up in costumes and Halloween is usually an exciting and fun event for them. During October, however, the television networks begin running their annual horror flicks. Remember, young children still have trouble differentiating real life from make believe and many scary movies should be “off limits.” A number of children have developed deeply rooted fears from watching movies that were too adult and scary. Unfortunately, I can attest to this from personal experience. Years ago, my son was babysitting his little sister and used bad judgment, allowing her to be in his room with him while he watched a horrible movie about a doll that comes alive and begins killing people. This caused her to have many fearful nights. So learn from my mistake and be extra diligent about monitoring TV shows this month!

If your child is fearful, or suffers from anxiety, The Floppy Sleep Game Book can help. It has a section on overcoming fears, phobias, and anxiety.

Enjoy Halloween with your kids!

My Best,



I get a number of emails from parents whose children have become discouraged—and give up easily, or don’t try at all— when they encounter difficult situations or tasks. These parents are likely to be told that their children are not working up to their potential, that they are unmotivated, or even lazy. But I don’t like it when children are considered unmotivated or lazy. These words imply that a person enjoys being sluggish and unproductive. But in truth, children or adults who don’t take steps to reach their goals are usually being stopped by underlying feelings of self-doubt or unworthiness.

But while some children and adults become discouraged and give up when things get tough, there are those who have an incredible stick-to-it-iveness and passionately put themselves on the line, throwing everything they have into their pursuits. Whether you call it stick-to-it-iveness, tenacity, or perseverance, it’s a trait that we might wish to emulate because it can positively change the course of our lives. It keeps us stepping towards our dreams in spite of difficulties and the opposition or discouragement of others. It goes hand in hand with the virtues of faith and patience, because when you have complete faith that you will attain your desire, you’re free to enjoy the steps along the way without becoming impatient about how long it will take.

It’s important to differentiate between stick-to-it-iveness and obstinacy. If something isn’t working and you feel as if you’re banging your head against a wall—keep your goal or dream in mind, but try another approach. For while perseverance comes from a strong will, obstinacy often comes from a strong won’t. We are much more effective when we ‘go with the flow,’ are flexible, and realize that there is more than one way to attain our goal or desire. For example, if you’re driving from one state to another, there are probably several routes that you could take to get there. And as long as you keep heading in the right direction, you will eventually arrive. But if one road is full of pot holes, you might be wise to change your route, rather than stubbornly continuing down the same difficult road. With stick-to-it-iveness and flexibility, you won’t just turn around and go home if a road is blocked or full of pot holes. You’ll simply find and take another route.

None of us want our children to give up on their goals at the first sign of difficulty. But how do we help them to dig deep—and stick it out—especially when no one is cheering them on? Does it have to do with the way they are raised, is it inborn, or is it a combination of both nature and nurture? While I certainly don’t have all the answers, I’ve observed that people with stick-to-it-iveness share the following traits:

They passionately focus on the task at hand.
Encourage children to always do their best and to joyfully pursue the things they’re passionate about.

They finish what they start.
Help kids develop the habit of finishing what they start. For young children, and others who are discouraged easily, break big jobs down into smaller tasks. Also, if you or your children have a zillion projects going on at once it can cause you to become scattered—and unable to focus on any of them with clarity. If this is a problem, prioritize your goals and focus on one or two of them. Unresolved projects can keep adults or kids from moving forward. If this sounds familiar, identify and take action to bring closure to incomplete issues from the past so you can move forward with a clean slate.

They have a positive attitude that reflects their faith and patience.
Frequently reflect upon the things and people that you appreciate and encourage your children to do the same. Those who become easily discouraged are generally focusing on their problems, rather than on feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Pay attention to feelings; discouragement, anger, or disappointment indicates a focus on the lack of something, rather than on a desire for it. (While some goals and dreams seem to occur easily and almost magically, others are a process; encourage kids to enjoy each step along the way and to have faith that their goals and dreams will be attained at the best possible time.)

They take action.
Our thoughts and visualizations are very powerful but we will gain considerable momentum in manifesting our goals by taking action. It becomes a beautiful circle of co-creation: our thoughts, desires and impulses lead to action. Our actions lead to new opportunities, new ideas and new actions…and so it goes.

They go with the flow.
If something doesn’t go as planned, help kids to appreciate the unexpected turn of events. Teach them that there is often more than one way for them to accomplish their goals and that they need to discover what works best for them.

They take responsibility and don’t blame others for their problems.
As parents, teaching children not to blame others or outside circumstances, is an ongoing process. When kids say things like, “he made me mad,” begin to teach them that they are responsible for their actions as well as their reactions.

They are self reliant.
If you are a parent that does too much for you children, you are inadvertently teaching them to be helpless. Remind yourself that one of your most important tasks is to help your child to become independent and self-reliant. Allow kids to stretch and grow by continually giving them more responsibility.

They are not overly sensitive to the reactions of others:
People who are afraid to try are often worried about the reactions of others; they worry about looking bad and may be embarrassed easily. Begin asking kids how they feel after they accomplish a task. Help them to focus on self-satisfaction, rather than on the reactions of others, including yours.

They don’t worry about failing and don’t take setbacks personally.
Teach children that mistakes are opportunities to learn. Children with perfectionist tendencies may not try because they think their efforts won’t be good enough. Remind them that the mistakes of inventors and scientists lead to amazing inventions and cures.

I’d like to dedicate this newsletter to Madrilla and Marty, two people who have personally touched and influenced my life with their incredible stick-to-it-iveness.

Madrilla was once my student and I will never forget his incredible spirit. He did not have what most of us would consider an ‘easy life.’ Due to mild cerebral palsy and his special learning needs, he was placed into my self-contained special education classroom. His mother didn’t care for him properly and he spent some time in foster care before moving in with his grandparents. But through it all, Madrilla had a bounce to his step and an easy smile that belied his troubles. And he frequently accomplished goals that most ‘experts’ would have deemed impossible. For example, one day I took my class to a skating rink and Madrilla’a physical disability caused him to continually fall. I encouraged him to take part in the other non-skating activities that my aide was supervising but Madrilla wanted to learn to skate. He just wouldn’t give up. And before we left the rink that day, he amazed us all by successfully finishing a lap on his own. His unshakable tenacity was truly inspiring.

My beloved friend, Marty Allen, is another wonderfully spirited person who never gives up on her dreams. In this newsletter, I’ll share just one example of her incredible stick-to-it-iveness. A few years ago, while working for me, she regularly contacted the Wall Street Journal about doing a story. As usual, Marty just wouldn’t listen to the ‘experts,’ who tried to tell her that she was wasting her time. Thank-goodness she didn’t believe them because The Wall Street Journal ended up running a front page story about my sleepy little recording. Of course, this never really surprised Marty, whose faith and patience never wavered.

The Magical Halloween Ride

Dream Starters are visualizations which promote relaxation, imagination and well-being as they guide children into the world of dreams.

Getting Ready

To prepare for these dream starters, (or visualizations), create a quiet comfortable atmosphere in which your child can relax.

Step One ~ Progressive Relaxation (Tensing & Relaxing Muscle Groups)

Have your child lie down in his bed.  Have him lift each arm and leg individually, holding each limb tightly before loosely flopping it down on his bed.  Then have him wrinkle his face and hold his eyes tightly closed, before relaxing his face.  (Tense each muscle group for at least 5 seconds.)

Step Two ~ Focus on the breath

Have your child get very quiet and watch his own breath.

Step Three ~ Creative Visualization

Now that your child is relaxed, read (or tell) the following visualization.  Of course, feel free to modify it according to your child’s age and interests. 

The Magical Halloween Ride

It’s Halloween night and all the excitement of the evening is over. The children who went trick or treating are returning home and getting ready for bed. Your doorbell rings one last time. When you answer the door, no one is there—but a broomstick is lying on the sidewalk in front of your door. There is a note attached which says, Happy Halloween!

It’s a funny treat but you bring it into your bedroom and set it against the wall. Your parents tell you good-night and tuck you into your cozy bed. The covers feel soft and warm. You are sleepy, comfortable, and happy. As you fall asleep, you listen to, and feel your breath. As you take a breath in through your nose, notice how it’s cool like the autumn air. As you breathe out through your nose, notice how the air is warmer.

Breathing in, feel the cool air…breathing out, feel how it’s warmer.
Breathing in, feel the cool air…breathing out, feel how it’s warmer.
Breathing in…and out,
In…and out,

You begin to sleep and dream. In your dream, the broomstick floats over to your bed and invites you to go on a magical ride. It waits for you to climb aboard and then floats in the air above your bed, waiting for you to tell it where you want to go. It’s your very own dream, so you can go anywhere. You get to decide where the magic broomstick takes you. Will you explore the world, fly to the moon, or visit someone far away? It’s your own special time to sleep and dream the night away.

Enjoy your Dream Flight; good night.