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They go with the flow. They take responsibility and don’t blame others for their
problems. They are self reliant. They are not overly sensitive to the reactions of others: They don’t worry about failing and don’t take setbacks
personally. I’d like to dedicate this newsletter to Madrilla and Marty, two people who have personally touched and influenced my life with their incredible stick-to-it-iveness.
Madrilla was once my student and I will never forget his incredible spirit. He did not have what most of us would consider an ‘easy life.’ Due to mild cerebral palsy and his special learning needs, he was placed into my self-contained special education classroom. His mother didn’t care for him properly and he spent some time in foster care before moving in with his grandparents. But through it all, Madrilla had a bounce to his step and an easy smile that belied his troubles. And he frequently accomplished goals that most ‘experts’ would have deemed impossible. For example, one day I took my class to a skating rink and Madrilla’a physical disability caused him to continually fall. I encouraged him to take part in the other non-skating activities that my aide was supervising but Madrilla wanted to learn to skate. He just wouldn’t give up. And before we left the rink that day, he amazed us all by successfully finishing a lap on his own. His unshakable tenacity was truly inspiring.
My beloved friend, Marty Allen, is another wonderfully spirited person who never gives up on her dreams. In this newsletter, I’ll share just one example of her incredible stick-to-it-iveness. A few years ago, while working for me, she regularly contacted the Wall Street Journal about doing a story. As usual, Marty just wouldn’t listen to the ‘experts,’ who tried to tell her that she was wasting her time. Thank-goodness she didn’t believe them because The Wall Street Journal ended up running a front page story about my sleepy little recording. Of course, this never really surprised Marty, whose faith and patience never wavered. The Magical Halloween RideDream Starters are visualizations which promote relaxation, imagination and well-being as they guide children into the world of dreams.Getting ReadyTo prepare for these dream starters, (or visualizations), create a quiet comfortable atmosphere in which your child can relax. Step One ~ Progressive Relaxation (Tensing & Relaxing Muscle Groups)Have your child lie down in his bed. Have him lift each arm and leg individually, holding each limb tightly before loosely flopping it down on his bed. Then have him wrinkle his face and hold his eyes tightly closed, before relaxing his face. (Tense each muscle group for at least 5 seconds.) Step Two ~ Focus on the breathHave your child get very quiet and watch his own breath. Step Three ~ Creative VisualizationNow that your child is relaxed, read (or tell) the following visualization. Of course, feel free to modify it according to your child’s age and interests. The Magical Halloween RideIt’s Halloween night and all the excitement of the evening is over. The children who went trick or treating are returning home and getting ready for bed. Your doorbell rings one last time. When you answer the door, no one is there—but a broomstick is lying on the sidewalk in front of your door. There is a note attached which says, Happy Halloween! It’s a funny treat but you bring it into your bedroom and set it against the wall. Your parents tell you good-night and tuck you into your cozy bed. The covers feel soft and warm. You are sleepy, comfortable, and happy. As you fall asleep, you listen to, and feel your breath. As you take a breath in through your nose, notice how it’s cool like the autumn air. As you breathe out through your nose, notice how the air is warmer. Breathing in, feel the cool air…breathing out, feel how it’s
warmer. You begin to sleep and dream. In your dream, the broomstick floats over to your bed and invites you to go on a magical ride. It waits for you to climb aboard and then floats in the air above your bed, waiting for you to tell it where you want to go. It’s your very own dream, so you can go anywhere. You get to decide where the magic broomstick takes you. Will you explore the world, fly to the moon, or visit someone far away? It’s your own special time to sleep and dream the night away. Enjoy your Dream Flight; good night. |